Creating high-performance teams, and improving strategies that build


Jane’s experience covers business strategy, coaching, Talent Dynamics and Performance consulting.

Her passion lies in ensuring the right people are in the right role and understand their areas of accountability in order to develop high-performance teams.

As one of a few accredited Flow Performance Coaches on the African continent, Jane continues to increase her own knowledge through her mentorship with Roger James Hamilton and partnership with the Entrepreneurs Institute


Put simply; flow is the path of least resistance. Think of a time when something felt ‘easy', and everything seemed to work. Those days where you feel you achieved more than you thought possible. That's flow. Imagine if we could unlock that on a regular basis" – Jane Stevenson


When you are part of a team in flow, productivity increases, results improve dramatically, you have more fun and feel more connected to the organisation as you are doing what comes naturally.  Understanding that everyone has talent and value to add to a team, it's about focusing the right people in the right areas with the right talents to achieve the right results.




